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Current News

2015-04-26: Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 (Jessie) released

The heading says it all: Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 a.k.a. Jessie has been released! Although the release was scheduled for april 25th and here in Europe the 26th already was 4 hours old: Congratulations Debian Team for making this another great release!

I run Jessie for a while now on my desktop(s), now on to upgrading all servers :)

2014-06-28: Moved from MediaWiki to DokuWiki

MediaWiki is most certainly a great piece of software. However, because of its features and functions, for my use it is a little bit too heavy. My site aims primarily at documentation, this is why I moved my content to DokuWiki.

This switch also made me overhaul some of the content, double-check if all links are still working and hopefully present the content more clearly.

2013-07-30: Das Keyboard

Usually I am not about blogging or writing down experiences because I want to provide objective documentation. But in this case I have to write a few words on Das Keyboard with MX Blue switches.

I am no professional at typing at all, but working in a terminal a lot I do appreciate a good keyboard. After a lot of research I chose the Das Keyboard Professional S with MX Blue switches. To put it short: this really is a great keyboard! Even when you are no professional, it makes you type faster and gives a good tactile feeling. Personally, I also like the sound :) and compared to the good old IBM model M it is even less noisy. The integrated USB hub is nice and handy. What I also like is that this is a no-nonsense keyboard without a zillion added functions.

This is also the thing I don't like about Das Keyboard Professional S: it has a function key. Whereas the fact alone is no problem (I can simply choose not to use it), in my opinion the placement is a little off. The space key is moved a little to the right which makes me (sometimes) hit the wrong key when using the space key with my left thumb. Also, due to the FN key the Windows keys were shrunk a little. This makes it impossible to replace the key caps with penguin keys :S

This last point is no big issue of course, although it leaves a little strange taste to it. All in all I am very happy with my Das Keyboard, I am sure it will serve me long!

2013-06-16: A word of warning about

Previously, this domain was owned and maintained by Christian Marillat providing (amongst more) Multimedia Packages for Debian. By request from te former Debian Project Leader Stefano Zacchiroli, the domain name changed to My pages on the Debian sources.list reflected that change, but maybe you are still using that repository.

Nowadays that domain is owned by an entity unknown to the Debian team, so you should remove it from your sources.list. Debian even issued an official warning about this issue.

2013-05-05: Debian 7.0 (a.k.a. Wheezy) released

Debian Wheezy is released. Thank you Debian team for yet another great release and as usual the best Debian ever! Now on to Jessie :)

2013-05-03: Adding Games

Gaming on Linux always has been a major topic around, but with the release of Steam this really got a boost. And because it's not 100% easily installed on Debian I created some content fr that, as well as for running Vice on Wheezy on an amd64 platform.

Also, Wheezy will be released this weekend. Yay!

Archived news

For news from the previous years please have a look at the News archive.

news/start.1430036223.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-02-16 13:32 (external edit)