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Oh well, sometimes I think I might be getting older. Remembering my childhood (yes, it was even before my youth) I spent loads of hours on my Commodore 64 and most of that time was gaming. Nowadays I enjoy an occasional session in the really great emulation software Vice, playing my favourite games from back then.1)
Unfortunately, Vice won't run in Wheezy on amd64 systems that actually have an AMD processor due to this bug. Vice will just exit with signal 4 and that's about it.
As a workaround you can install the 32 bit version of Vice, since Debian Wheezy features full multi-arch compatibility. To do so, just follow these steps.
- Check if your system already supports the i386 architecture:
dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
- If not, add the i386 architecture:
dpkg --add-architecture i386
- Install the 32 bit version of Vice:
apt-get install vice:i386
games/vice.1403808580.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-02-16 13:32 (external edit)