====== Audi MMI Cover Art ====== Although this is not really Linux related, I will document this anyway because this has cost me a couple of hours of my life. The [[https://www.audi.de/|Audi]] MMI system is capable of displaying your Cover Art in MP3 files but at doing so it is **very** picky. So here are a couple of hints on how to get your Audi MMI to display your cover art. * Only embedded files are supported, no images in the same directory (you can use [[https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/EasyTAG|EasyTag]] or [[http://puddletag.sourceforge.net/|PuddleTag]] for this, both apt-gettable). * Only JPG is supported, no PNG. The JPG may //not// be progressive JPG (which is default in GIMP exports and also the reason why I couldn't find the problem at first)! * A maximum image size of 500x500 pixels (5" display) or 700x700 pixels (7" display) is supported. * A maximum file size of 100 kB (5" display) or 250 kB (7" display) is supported. * It doesn't matter if the image is defined as "front cover" or "other". ~~DISCUSSION~~