---------- Conky config by DeskTux ------ General Settings conky.config = { -- Positioning alignment = 'top_right', gap_x = 10, gap_y = 10, -- Colours default_color = '40c040', default_outline_color = 'white', default_shade_color = 'black', -- Font use_xft = true, --xftfont = 'sans-serif:size=8', font = 'sans-serif:size=8', draw_shades = true, draw_outline = false, uppercase = false, -- Program properties background = false, draw_borders = false, border_inner_margin = 20, border_outer_margin = 0, border_width = 1, maximum_width = 480, double_buffer = true, stippled_borders = 0, update_interval = 2.0, use_spacer = 'none', -- Window properties own_window = true, --own_window_type = 'normal', own_window_type = 'desktop', own_window_transparent = true, own_window_argb_visual = true, -- This value can be between 0 and 255. 0 = transparent and 255 = opaque., own_window_argb_value = 128, -- Graph properties draw_graph_borders = true, no_buffers = true, cpu_avg_samples = 2, net_avg_samples = 2, show_graph_scale = false, show_graph_range = false } ------ Sensors --[[ Unfortunately, I have not found a way to place comments inside the text section yet. So I will accumulate them here. -- System If you want to show your battery life, include these under the 'Uptime': ${color white}Battery: $alignr$color $battery $battery_time $battery_bar -- Sensors Have a look at /sys/class/hwmon/ and the amount of files there. Ust that as a base for experimenting. If there are 4 files, you can have 4x4 combinations starting with 00, 01, 02, 03, 10, 11, 12 and so on all the way up to 33. lm-sensors should be installed and configured. -- SWAP If you have a swap partition (which I only have on servers) include these in the 'Memory' section: ${color white}Swap:$color $swap/$swapmax - $swapperc% $swapbar -- HDD Temperature To have the hddtemp sensors work make sure /usr/sbin/hddtemp is suid root (chmod +s). -- Network with Wifi These can be put into the 'Network' section if you use Wifi instead of a cable: ${color white}WLAN IP:$alignr$color ${addr wlan0} ${color white}WLAN Signal:$alignr$color ${wireless_link_qual wlan0}% WLAN ${hr 1} ${color white}Down: $color${downspeed wlan0}/s ${color white}Total: $color${totaldown wlan0} $alignr${color white}Up: $color${upspeed wlan0}/s ${color white}Total: $color${totalup wlan0} ${color white}${downspeedgraph wlan0 32,230 40c040 ffffff -t} $alignr${color white}${upspeedgraph wlan0 32,230 40c040 ffffff -t} -- Syslog For the syslog section to work your user should be able to read the syslog. In Debian adding that user to the 'adm' group does the trick. ]] conky.text = [[ ${alignc}${color white}${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=12}Debian GNU/$sysname $kernel $font ${color white}${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}Date & Time ${hr 2} ${alignc}${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=24}${time %H:%M}$font ${alignc}${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=12}${time %F}$font ${color white}${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}System ${hr 2}$font ${color white}Host: $alignr$color$nodename ${color white}Uptime:$alignr$color$uptime ${color white}${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}CPU & Sensors $font${hr 2} ${color white}${cpugraph cpu0 32,480 40c040 ffffff -t} ${color white}CPU0:$color ${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar cpu1} ${color white}CPU1:$color ${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar cpu2} ${color white}CPU2:$color ${cpu cpu3}% ${cpubar cpu3} ${color white}CPU3:$color ${cpu cpu4}% ${cpubar cpu4} ${color white}CPU4:$color ${cpu cpu4}% ${cpubar cpu5} ${color white}CPU5:$color ${cpu cpu4}% ${cpubar cpu6} ${color white}CPU6:$color ${cpu cpu4}% ${cpubar cpu7} ${color white}CPU7:$color ${cpu cpu4}% ${cpubar cpu8} ${color white}Clock (GHz):$alignr$color $freq_g ${color white}CPU Socket Temperature:$alignr$color ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C ${color white}Mainboard Temperature:$alignr$color ${hwmon 0 temp 2}°C ${color white}CPU Fan:$alignr$color ${hwmon 0 fan 1} RPM ${color white}Chassis Fan 1:$alignr$color ${hwmon 0 fan 2} RPM ${color white}Chassis Fan 2:$alignr$color ${hwmon 0 fan 3} RPM ${color white}${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}Memory $font${hr 2} ${color white}RAM:$color $alignr$mem/$memmax $memperc% $membar ${color white}${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}HDD $font${hr 2} ${font mono:size=8}${color white}Root $color$alignr${fs_free /}/${fs_size /} ${color white}free $font$color${fs_used_perc /}% ${fs_bar /} ${color white}${diskiograph /dev/sda5 32,480 40c040 ffffff -t} ${font mono:size=8}${color white}Home $color$alignr${fs_free /home}/${fs_size /home} ${color white}free $font$color${fs_used_perc /home}% ${fs_bar /home} ${color white}${diskiograph /dev/sdb1 32,480 40c040 ffffff -t} ${color white}/dev/sda: $color$alignr${execi 60 /usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sda|cut -c34-} ${color white}/dev/sdb: $color$alignr${execi 60 /usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sdb|cut -c33-} ${color white}${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}Network $font${hr 2} ${color white}LAN IP:$alignr$color ${addr enp2s0} ${color white}Gateway:$alignr$color ${gw_iface} ${gw_ip} ${color white}Primary DNS:$alignr$color ${nameserver 0} ${color white}External IP:$alignr$color ${execi 3600 ~/.conky/publicip.sh} LAN ${hr 1} ${color white}Down: $color${downspeed enp2s0}/s ${color white}Total: $color${totaldown enp2s0} $alignr${color white}Up: $color${upspeed enp2s0}/s ${color white}Total: $color${totalup enp2s0} ${color white}${downspeedgraph enp2s0 32,230 40c040 ffffff -t} $alignr${color white}${upspeedgraph enp2s0 32,230 40c040 ffffff -t} ${color white}${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}Processes $font${hr 2} ${color white}Name $alignr PID CPU% MEM% ${color red}${top name 1} $alignr ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1} $color${top name 2} $alignr ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2} $color${top name 3} $alignr ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3} $color${top name 4} $alignr ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4} $color${top name 5} $alignr ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5} ${color white}${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}Syslog $font${hr 2} $color${tail /var/log/syslog 5} ]]